The Asynchronous Drone Orchestra is a remote collaborative project by Italian sound artist Chelidon Frame, which involves different electronic musicians sharing sounds following a simple set of rules; those sounds are then combined in a long and coherent track, resulting in a choral soundscape where the result is bigger than the sum of its parts.
It was first conceived for the 2021 Drone Day as a way to experiment with long-distance collaboration during the pandemic: a second run for the 2022 Drone Day involved a completely new array of artists and a slot on Camp Radio's schedule. This was the start of a by-monthly appointment that has involved more than fifty artists from all over the world.
Different iterations have been featured in various radiophonic festivals and by differnt radio stations, including Radiophrenia, Cashmere Radio, and Audioblast 11, and have been featured on The Wire listings. A paper discussing the conception and the ideas behind the project has been featured on Difficult Art And Music's "Everything Lasts Forever And Nothing Ever Dies: a compendium of Drone in all it's guises"